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30+ Midjourney Prompts for Realistic Photos

11 min read
Midjourney prompts for realistic

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Mastering Midjourney prompts is key to making amazing images. The latest Midjourney 5.1 gets your prompts better, so it’s important to be clear and highly detailed in your prompts.

In our exciting guide, “30+ Midjourney Prompts for Realistic Photos,” we dive into the world of AI and art. Here, we show you how to use AI to make pictures that look just like real life.

 Our focus is on creating images that are so clear and detailed, they’re almost like looking through a camera lens.

We’ll explore how to use midjourney prompts to make these photorealistic images, teaching you about cool tricks like blur and shallow depth of field to make your pictures stand out.

Whether you’re new to AI art or looking to create high resolution, lifelike images, this guide has something for everyone. Join us to learn how to blend art and technology seamlessly for creating ultra-realistic images.

Table of Contents

Introduction to Midjourney

Midjourney, a groundbreaking generative AI tool, is redefining the landscape of digital creativity. It specializes in transforming textual descriptions into stunning AI images with unparalleled precision. The key to unlocking its full potential lies in crafting the right prompts.

Users can direct Midjourney to generate anything from realistic landscapes to abstract art, all with a simple text command. This intuitive interface makes it accessible to both novices and professionals, fostering a user-friendly environment.

Midjourney stands out in the AI-driven art world, offering a unique blend of technical sophistication and artistic freedom, marking a new era in visual storytelling.

What is a prompt?

A prompt is a set of instructions or a specific guideline given to an AI or creative software to generate content. It acts as a starting point, steering the creative process in a particular direction. In the context of AI like MidJourney or DALL-E, prompts are textual inputs that describe what the user wants to create.

These descriptions can range from simple to complex, dictating the AI’s output. For example, a prompt can be as straightforward as “a cat sitting on a windowsill” or as detailed as “a futuristic cityscape at dusk, with neon lights and flying cars.” The effectiveness of a midjourney prompt directly influences the quality and relevance of the AI-generated content, making it a critical tool for users.

 Types of Prompts

Prompts can be classified into various types based on their purpose and complexity. In AI and creative software, common types include:

  • Descriptive Prompts: These provide detailed descriptions of the scene, object, or concept the user wants to create. They include specific details about colors, setting, mood, and more.
  • Conceptual Prompts: These are more abstract, focusing on ideas or themes rather than concrete descriptions. For example, “the concept of time as a physical object.”
  • Inspirational Prompts: These prompts are designed to spark creativity, often being open-ended and subject to interpretation. They can be a phrase, a question, or a single word.
  • Instructional Prompts: These are more directive, providing specific instructions for the AI to follow. They can be used for creating content with particular parameters or restrictions.

Each type of prompt serves a different creative need, offering users a range of options to explore and experiment with in their AI-driven projects.

 Crafting Midjourney Prompts for Realistic Results

When aiming to create photorealistic images, the art of crafting effective Midjourney prompts is crucial. These prompts serve as the blueprint for the desired outcome, much like a script for a Sony camera capturing a real-life scene. The key is precision and clarity. Begin by clearly defining the subject, ensuring that every detail you wish to capture is mentioned.

Consider the environment, lighting, and mood, as these elements play a significant role in realism. Incorporating specific styles or textures can further enhance the image’s authenticity.

Remember, the effectiveness of Midjourney prompts lies in the balance of detailed instructions and creative freedom, allowing for a realistic yet imaginative creation.

Prompts for Social Media

Midjourney Prompt for Realistic Portraits: Create a photorealistic image of a musician’s face and hands, captured with a Canon EOS R5 camera, using an 85mm lens at f 1.2 aperture setting. Emphasize dramatic lighting to add depth to the image.

midjourney prompts for realistic

Midjourney Prompt for Realism: Design a photo-realistic image of a group of friends at a café, shot in high resolution with a Nikon D850. Ensure a blurred background and a warm glow to create a dynamic, inviting atmosphere.

Midjourney Version with Photorealism Mode: Generate an ultra-realistic portrait of a young artist in a studio, using Canon EOS 5D Mark IV. Highlight the intricate details of their creative space with a 100mm lens and golden light.

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Midjourney V5 with Photorealism Mode: Create a photo-realistic image of a bustling city street at dusk, using a wide-angle lens and shot from a low angle. Capture the bright blue hues of the evening sky and the vibrant city lights.

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Midjourney Prompts to Create Realistic Images: Craft an ultra-realistic scene of a serene beach at sunset, captured with a Canon EOS R5 camera. Utilize cinematic lighting to enhance the peaceful ambiance and create a dramatic, picturesque setting.

Midjourney Prompts for Realism: Produce a realistic portrait of a woman sitting on a wooden bench in a park, using a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV. Focus on capturing the natural environment and the subject’s contemplative expression under a canopy of trees.

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Prompts for Web Design / Blogging

Midjourney Prompts to Create Realistic Images: Design a photorealistic homepage banner for a travel blog, featuring a breathtaking mountain vista. Use a Canon EOS R5 camera with a wide-angle lens to capture the expansive view and dramatic clouds.

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Midjourney Prompts for Realism: Create a dynamic, photo-realistic image for a food blog, showcasing a gourmet dish in a high-end restaurant. Utilize a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV with a 100mm lens to emphasize the textures and colors of the food.

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Midjourney Version with Photorealism Mode: Generate a realistic banner image for a technology blog, depicting a modern workspace with the latest gadgets. Capture the scene with a Nikon D850 in high resolution to ensure clarity and detail.

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Midjourney V5 with Photorealism Mode: Craft a realistic header image for a fashion blog, showing a model in an urban setting at golden hour. Use a Canon EOS R5 camera with a lens at f 1.2 aperture to capture the warm glow and soft lighting.

midjourney prompts for realistic

Midjourney Prompts to Create Realistic Portraits: Develop a photo-realistic profile picture for a professional blog, capturing the blogger with a Canon EOS R5 camera. Use dramatic lighting and a blurred background to focus on the subject.

Midjourney Prompts for Realistic Images: Create a realistic, engaging image for a lifestyle blog, depicting a cozy home interior. Use a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV with a 85mm lens and cinematic lighting to evoke a sense of warmth and comfort.

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 Prompts for Advertising Material / Stock Photos

Midjourney Prompts to Create Realistic Portraits: Generate a photo-realistic image of a happy family in a park, using a Canon EOS R5 camera. Capture the essence of joy and togetherness with a bright, clear setting and a wide-angle lens.

Midjourney Prompts for Realism: Create a dynamic, ultra-realistic image for a sports brand advertisement, showcasing athletes in action. Use a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV with a 100mm lens and shot in high resolution for vivid detail.

Midjourney Version with Photorealism Mode: Produce a realistic stock photo for a corporate wellness campaign, featuring employees in a yoga session. Capture the scene with a Nikon D850, emphasizing the peaceful atmosphere and depth of the image.

midjourney prompts for realistic

Midjourney V5 with Photorealism Mode: Design a photo-realistic image for a luxury car advertisement, shot with a Canon EOS R5 camera. Utilize dramatic lighting and a blurred background to highlight the car’s sleek design and elegance.

midjourney prompts for realistic

Midjourney Prompts to Create Realistic Images: Generate a realistic image for a coffee brand, showing a barista at work. Use a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV with a lens at f 1.2 aperture to capture the intricate details and the warm, inviting atmosphere of the café.

midjourney prompts for realistic

Midjourney Prompts for Realistic Images: Create a photo-realistic image for a travel agency, depicting portrait of a couple exploring an ancient city. Use a Canon EOS R5 camera with a wide-angle lens to capture the grandeur of the setting and the adventure.

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Prompts for Ecommerce

Midjourney Prompts to Create Realistic Images: Design a realistic product image for an online fashion store, showcasing a dress in an urban setting. Use a Canon EOS R5 camera with a 85mm lens and golden light to highlight the fabric and style.

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Midjourney Prompts for Realism: Create an ultra-realistic image of electronic gadgets for an ecommerce site. Capture the products with a Nikon D850 in high resolution, focusing on the sleek design and modern feel.

Midjourney Version with Photorealism Mode: Generate a realistic image for an online sports store, featuring various sports equipment in action. Use a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV with dramatic lighting to showcase the quality and details of the products.

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Midjourney V5 with Photorealism Mode: Craft a realistic image for an online bookstore, depicting a cozy reading nook. Capture the scene with a Canon EOS R5 camera and a wide-angle lens, highlighting the inviting atmosphere and the array of books.

midjourney prompts for realistic

Midjourney Prompts to Create Realistic Portraits: Produce a photo-realistic lifestyle image for an online home décor store, featuring stylish furniture in a modern living room. Use a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV with a lens at f 1.2 aperture to capture the elegance and comfort of the setting.

Midjourney Prompts for Realistic Images: Create a realistic product image for an online jewelry store, showcasing elegant pieces in a luxurious setting. Use a Nikon D850 with cinematic lighting to emphasize the sparkle and craftsmanship of the jewelry.

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 Prompts for Corporate Slides / Materials

Midjourney Prompts to Create Realistic Portraits: Generate a photorealistic image of a diverse team in a corporate setting, using a Canon EOS R5 camera. Focus on capturing the professionalism and teamwork with a 100mm lens and balanced lighting.

Midjourney Prompts for Realism: Create a realistic, high-resolution image of a corporate meeting for a presentation slide. Use a Nikon D850 to capture the details of the meeting room and the engaged expressions of the participants.

Midjourney Version with Photorealism Mode: Produce a realistic image for a corporate report, depicting a modern office environment. Capture the scene with a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV, emphasizing the dynamic workspace and collaborative atmosphere.

Midjourney V5 with Photorealism Mode: Design a photo-realistic image for a corporate brochure, showing employees working on a project. Use a Canon EOS R5 camera with cinematic lighting to create a dynamic and inspiring setting.

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Midjourney Prompts to Create Realistic Images: Generate a realistic image for a corporate training manual, featuring a trainer leading a workshop. Use a Nikon D850 with a wide-angle lens to capture the interactive and educational environment.


Midjourney Prompts for Realistic Images: Create a photo-realistic image for a company’s annual report, showcasing the executive team. Use a Canon EOS R5 camera with a lens at f 1.2 aperture to capture the leaders in a dignified and approachable manner.


Prompts for Product Photography

Photo Realism in Product Photography: Create a highly detailed and photorealistic image of a luxury wristwatch using a Sony α7 III camera. Emphasize the intricate design and quality materials of the watch, capturing every tiny detail in a close-up portrait style shot.

midjourney prompts for realistic

Close Up Portrait of Products: “Design an incredibly realistic close-up portrait of organic skincare products. Utilize a Sony α7 III camera to capture the realistic skin benefits depicted on the packaging, focusing on the textures and natural ingredients.”

Avoiding Fake Photos in Product Imagery: Generate a detailed and photorealistic image of a high-tech gadget, ensuring the photo avoids the common pitfalls of looking like ‘fake photos’. Use a Sony α7 III camera to highlight the sleek design and advanced features, creating a shallow depth of field for emphasis.

Portrait of a Young Girl with Product: Create a portrait of a young girl holding a new line of educational toys, ensuring the image is incredibly realistic. Use the Sony α7 III camera to capture the essence of joy and curiosity in her expression, while also showcasing the products in detail.


Detailed and Photorealistic Product Shots: Produce a detailed and photorealistic image of gourmet chocolates, using a Sony α7 III camera. Focus on high contrast to enhance the rich colors and textures, making the chocolates look irresistible.

Midjourney prompts for realsitic

Portraits That Capture the Essence of Products: Develop an incredibly realistic product image of a vintage camera, using a Sony α7 III camera. Emphasize the high contrast and realistic skin of the leather detailing, and capture every aspect of the camera’s design, creating a shallow depth of field to focus on its unique features.

midjourney prompts for realistic

Elevate Your AI Arts with These Creative Prompts

In conclusion, Midjourney is a revolutionary AI model, providing users with an array of tools like Midjourney to achieve photorealistic results. Whether it’s capturing the subject’s face and hair in ultra-realistic detail or crafting wide-angle, hyper-realistic scenes, the prompts designed by Midjourney can generate images that look astoundingly real. 

Text prompts, a core feature of Midjourney, allow for immense creativity and precision. Users who want to generate photo-realistic images will find these prompts especially useful. Each image prompt we’ve discussed showcases the capabilities of Midjourney, illustrating how it’s transforming the realm of digital imagery with its ability to create high-quality, hyper realistic, AI-generated visuals.

 Frequently Asked Questions

How do you make Midjourney realistic prompts?

To make Midjourney realistic prompts, focus on detailed descriptions and specific instructions. Use clear and precise language to describe the subject, setting, lighting, and mood. Incorporate keywords that specify the level of detail, texture, and realism you want in the image.

What is the Midjourney command for realistic images?

The Midjourney command for realistic images involves specifying the realism level in your prompt. For instance, you might use phrases like “ultra-realistic,” “photorealistic,” or “high-detail” to signal the AI to generate images with lifelike qualities.

What is the best prompt for Midjourney?

 The best prompt for Midjourney depends on your specific needs and creative goals. A good prompt is one that clearly communicates your vision, including details about the subject, style, color palette, and atmosphere. Tailoring the prompt to your unique requirements will yield the most satisfying results.

How to make Midjourney look like you?

To make Midjourney create an image that looks like you, provide a detailed description of your physical features, such as hair color, eye color, and notable characteristics. You can also describe the style of clothing, setting, and pose you want. However, note that Midjourney cannot replicate exact faces for privacy reasons.

Can everyone see your Midjourney art?

Whether everyone can see your Midjourney art depends on where and how you share it. If you post it on public platforms or in shared Midjourney communities, then it is visible to others. However, if you keep it private or share only with select individuals, then it remains limited to that audience.

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